Monday, February 8, 2010

In the beginning...

I'm taking a writing class, and this week our assignment was to try to pitch a non-fiction book. It was suggested that we write what we know. Hm... What do I know??? 80's song lyrics? Movie trivia? I know! Sitcom plots and obscure TV references!

Okay, let's be practical. I know being single. I know helping others to have the 'most wonderful day of their lives' while I get Chinese food to go on my way home. Alone. Between working in the trenches as a wedding coordinator, as an assistant to a caterer, and as a wedding singer (both as a ballad soloist and with a cover band - and Yes, we totally rocked the original party-starter "Celebration" by Kool & the Gang), I've got some stories. I've actually helped as a florist's assistant more than once - and honestly - that is seriously NOT my forte'. Not to mention the experiences as a frequent bridesmaid...

So, let's discuss. How do you serve someone else's dream when yours hasn't come true yet? How do you continue to choose to trust God whether you ever get married or not? And more importantly, how many things can you make from 'a dress you can totally shorten and wear again' - let's make a list!

And please, feel free to share any and all stories - but always remember to change names and locations to protect the guilty.